Marcus Dunn from the Fat Boys Fishing Company proved this very impressing when he was using the Castaic Swim Bait. Many pike were caught during the trials with these…
…excellent lures and much information recorded. The 3 following extracts are part of that information. Pic 1: 26lbs 12oz, caught near the surface on 8″ yellow perch, 3m from the boat bright conditions, total catch 6 fish. Pic 2: 21lbs 6oz first fish of the day, early morning, overcast conditions, caught 1m from boat, very clear water; 7″ blue shad. Pic 3: 21lbs 4oz morning fish, 6″ rainbow, caught away from boat overcast conditions, water clear. For further informations about Castaic Softbaits (sale and resale) please contact: [email protected] Auch die britischen Hechte mögen CASTAIC.
Das stellte Marcus Dunn vom Fat Boys Fishing Team eindrucksvoll unter Beweis. Schon bei den ersten Versuchen gingen ihm gleich drei kapitale Exemplare an den Haken. Bild 1: 26lbs 12 oz., 8″ yellow perch; biss sehr nahe an der Oberfläche, 3 m vom Boot entfernt Bild 2: 21lbs 6oz., 7″ blue shad, erster Fisch des Tages, biss früh am Morgen, bewölkt, sehr klares Wasser Bild 3: 21 lbs 4oz., biss auf große Distanz, bewölkt, klares Wasser, Köder: 6″ rainbow