• I know I'm not an expert but since there's no expert available for questiontime at the moment and I think this is an interesting topic you brought up I might as well answer.

    supposing I would want to catch pike, I'd take a Mepps Lusox Leadhead spinner. Why? The leadhead gives me the opportunity to fish a lot of different depths plus this spinner can be fished in various velocities resulting in different actions.

    from the position the picture is taken I'd cast the first one, as marked red "1st" in the picture parallel to the right bank right into the bend of that river. Then I'd fish not too slowly in a zigzag along the bank, depending on how deep or shallow it is with a few pauses to let the spinner sink. I'd loop the spinner in front of me and then cast the second one, as marked red "2nd" near the opposite bank and again zig zag along the bank. I'd let the spinner sink a bit where the hole starts and fish slowly along where the (don't know the exact term) current of the hole interferes with the main current. Then I'd zigzag a loop until the spinner is in fornt of me. Then I'd go to the marked green spot and cast the spinner to the opposite side of the bank about 4-5 feet upstream of where the hole begins. Now I would, of course, zigzag again back to me fishing the hole according to the green line. and same old story, zig zag, pause loop in front of me...

    is that what you wanted to know?

    für unsere deutschen im forum: ich würd einen mepss lusox bleikopfspinner nehmen weil man dank des bleikopfes sehr gut die tiefe und geschwindigkeit des köders variieren kann.

    von der position des fotografen würd ich einen wurf nach rechts in die kurve machen, abhängg von der tiefe des wassers und hindernissen unterwasser am rechten ufer lang im zickzack kur mit ab und zu eine rkurzen pause, dann vor meinen füssen einen bogen mit dem köder. zweiten wurf ans gegenüberliegende fer, wieder zickzack, versuchen in nem bogen in das loch zu kommen dann bogen zu mir.. man siehts auf dem foto an den roten linien. danach nach rects gehen, bis zum grünen punkt. von da ca 2 meter hinter das loch werfen und langsam das loch durchfischen.

    liebe mods, bitte verschiebt das ganze doch in ein forum, wo wir alle was davon haben, anstatt das jetzt zu löschen ;)

  • In this case, my first choice would be a flyrod with a streamer like WoolyBugger etc.

    With this tackle you can catch bass, trout and with a wire as leader even pike.

    The casts are the same as riotkid has drawn in his nice picture.

    Or if you can't do flyfishing, you can use a small mepps in yellow or orange to catch trout or bass. here the casts are still the same.

    Sich zu melden verhält sich zu einfach drangenommen werden
    Von "Amts wegen" zu "auf Antrag"

    -Sprach der Rechtspfleger ;)

  • Zitat

    Or if you can't do flyfishing, you can use a small mepps in yellow or orange to catch trout or bass. here the casts are still the same.

    Carphunter, schau dir mal Len's Seite an.
    Ich glaube, der macht manch einem von uns was vor, was das Fliegenfischen angeht.

  • Hi Len!

    I think this topic is very interesting because it shows the instinctive knowledge of anglers!
    Being able to "read the water" is one of the most important things you have to know if you want to catch fish successfully!
    Though I can't post to answer your question (because my own knowledge is too limited), I think it's quite interesting to learn how the BLINKERboard comrades would try to be successful in unknown waters!

    Please post more of your nice pictures!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Best Wishes


    'If the fish are feeding, one rod is enough. If they are not feeding, two rods are too many.' R.Walker

Jetzt mitmachen!

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