Sugar & Spice

  • Sugar & Spice

    That is the way the rhyme usually begins.
    Why can't it be finished like this?
    Sugar and Spice
    Spinners, Feathers and Fish Tails
    That is what little girls are made of.

    Why must the majority of anglers be men/boys?
    Are the dads in the sport not giving their daughters
    a fair chance to be an angler?

    I think that it is high time that little girls
    hit the streams just like little boys.

    A little background here. I am from
    a family of 5 girls and 1 boy. I was the only child
    to show any WANT as my father put it. Want to learn the
    ways of an outdoors person.

    I am a father. I have one beautiful daughter. Her name is Anna and she is a chip off the old block.

    From an early age it was obvious she had aptitude. She loved getting dirty and wet. Her excursions into the outdoors started at age 2. She was in a back pack that faced forward...So she could see the action and get into it as she watched me fish.

    At age 3 landed her first trout. At age 5 she caught her first 20 inch brown. The 20 incher was not an easy catch either. It involved a little swimming by me for the pole she lost. The trout was still on.

    At age 8 she had her first 2 twenty browns in one day. The season most memorable was when she was 9 years old. The entire season she caught a larger trout that me. A male brown 25 inches long.

    Dads get those girls of yours out there FISHING!

    Written by Len Harris
    Photos by Len Harris

  • Hi Len,

    however a very nice fisherman/girl story ;)

    A sweet little girl - and so proud with her fishes in her arms

    I have two sons but no daughters (thanks god 8) )
    So I didn`t have a chance to teach a girl.

    Please, show us more such exciting pictures and positive stories

    Best wishes,

  • Hi len !

    She reminds me of my little sister who is often with me when i go fishing!

    I think there have to be more girls or women in fishing , thats why i am teaching it to my girlfriend actually :)

    best regards


  • Hey Len.

    Nice story.
    In my opinion the most common reason for dads not taking their daughters out to fish is the fact that they will soon catch bigger ones than daddy, as you've already written. ;)



    'If the fish are feeding, one rod is enough. If they are not feeding, two rods are too many.' R.Walker

  • Hi Len,

    hope your girls will keep on fishing! I still try to infect my girlfriend with the fishing virus ;)

    Nowadays kids only like computers, good to hear that you teach your kids different!

    Tight lines


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