Life Is Good

  • Bruce Ristow and I went out today for 2 hours. Bruce showed me some water on a stream
    I already fished. Upstream a ways. I had fished the area 3 years ago and dismissed the
    area as too shallow and narrow for good fishing.

    The last two floods had carved out some nice holes and the beavers also helped our cause.

    The blue bells are in full bloom. The below flower is unknown to me but beautiful.

    It was Bruce's area so it was appropriate that Bruce caught the 2 biggest trout.

    I lost a brown almost this long just before Bruce landed this one.

    We saw 5 brook trout over 14 inches and were stunned to see a pair around 17 inches follow one of Bruce's retrieves.

    Bruce's big brookie of the outing wouldn't hold still long enough for a good close up.

    We both landed over 25 trout each in 2 hours.

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