February 2010. Daughter and wife
October 2010. Daughter and wife.
Must have been some Miracle Grow in the water or something.
February 2010. Daughter and wife
October 2010. Daughter and wife.
Must have been some Miracle Grow in the water or something.
Und was soll sowas in einem Angelforum???
Ich könnte was zeigen,was innerhalb von ein paar Sekunden größer wird,aber das wollen wir hier nicht sehen...
does this help?
or this perhaps
Klar hat das hier was verloren...ist für Blindfische
Das sollte Dir als Vater eigentlich direkt auffallen !
Ansonsten kann es ein Mod ja in den Thread "Fische schätzen" verschieben....
Nein, ich denke es ist hier schon richtig aufgehoben.
@ Len
It really seems to be something in the water. All creatures grow up very fast.
Don't worry, Len. Same story here and my wife is now the shortest of all of us. Don't think it's the water but the fast food. It's nice to see them enjoying the fishing.
My Anna doesn't do fast food.
She eats like a bird.
Her mom is a nurse and makes her eat properly.
Sorry Len, was just trying to be funny. We generally cook at home and I am not a big fan of fast food myself. We still enjoy Pizza Hut, now and then.
i am fat guy in the family.
wife gave up on me eating healthy long ago.
I cooking
That's not fair. I am getting hungry. And it looks absolutly great. Is it just the glas or the real beer?
Yes real Beer
German Beer
must be something...food....water...
Hmmm, leckere Speisen auf dem Grill, Cholesterin pur.
Aber was den Magen und Gaumen erfreut muß nicht unbedingt krank machen.
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