Cork - Ireland - Week 28

  • We have had some beautiful weather this week.
    Went offshore on Tuesday in my boat (SKUA). Plenty fish around but mostly small fish. Had east wind which did not help.
    Cod, Whiting, haddock, dogs, pollack, coalfish, pouting, wrasse, ling, conger, red gurnard, grey gurnard... etc. etc.

    Got news on Tuesday that there were illegal nets in Cork harbour. An angler reported activity and a boat was boarded at 0100 Monday. The nets were taken by the rangers and the assholes will be prosecuted. Sad to think that there are still assholes prepared to steal our future. We, the anglers will be more vigilant.

    Fished for bass on Thursday & Friday - great fishing on soft plastics both days. The fish were bigger on Thursday but more fish around on Friday.
    All fish catch-photo-release

    Hopefully the weather will settle again in the next few days. There are good tides for evening fishing next week.

    Tight Lines and bendy rods from Cork!

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